The legal industry is evolving rapidly and Legal Outsourcing 2.0 is at the forefront of this change. We work with leading innovators and technology experts to develop solutions that increase the efficiency of legal operations. We don`t just work with AI solutions. We are hired by AI companies to develop the solutions. In fact, our first partner, LegalSifter, was a finalist for the 2019 ILTA Disruptor of the Year Award. We`ve also been used by Global 100 companies to help them build their in-house legal AI solutions. In everything we do, we strive to be creative, technology-driven agents of change. Selecting and hiring a law firm whenever your business needs legal advice can be costly, not to mention inefficiency, frustration, and risk. Successful businesses need to be strategy-driven, responsive to change, and budget-oriented. The same should apply to their legal counsel. With this principle in mind, the outsourced General Counsel uses progressive fee structures such as monthly fee plans, General Counsel plan for a day, and project-specific fixed fee plan to establish an ongoing working relationship with clients through virtual and face-to-face on-site meetings. These fee structures also offer clients the ability to budget attorney`s fees from month to month and know exactly what legal services will cost, allowing them to integrate legal review and strategy into their day-to-day business decisions.
There are many options when it comes to outsourcing legal processes. However, not all of them will be useful for your business. A good place to start is to ask yourself these questions: contract drafting is a type of legal service that is often outsourced, and there are plans to grow. Service providers can draft contracts that cover licensing, financing, purchasing, etc. – and tailor them to the specified obligations and rights of the parties involved. Our network of leading lawyers provides world-class legal services to law firms, financial institutions, large corporations and start-ups on a flexible basis – wherever you are, at competitive prices. For more information on the do`s and don`ts of outsourcing legal processes, register for our webinar on LAWCLERK. You will learn how to find research and writing assignments and delegate them effectively to outsourced professionals. Kristin Tyler is the co-founder of LAWCLERK, a web-based marketplace where independent lawyers and law firms can expand their practices and profits by quietly outsourcing projects to qualified independent lawyers of all experience and expertise.
She is also a partner at Garman Turner Gordon LLP, where she focuses on estate planning, estate and guardianship matters. Some in-house legal departments avoid OPA because of the hidden costs associated with legal outsourcing services. For example, eDiscovery providers may include certain features in a particular package, but conveniently omit the fact that desirable additional features or services, some of which overlap with the included features, require additional investment. Or these providers may charge things like “hosting fees,” even if a company`s stored data takes up a relatively small portion of its ultra-cheap digital storage space. Technology creates efficiency – our U.S. legal presence ensures quality. Consilio, Integreon and QuisLex are just a few of the many independent legal process outsourcing and e-discovery firms at your disposal. Cost savings are the biggest attraction for Western companies outsourcing their legal work. India`s legal services are widely regarded as affordable, efficient and, most importantly, competent.
For an outsourced legal job in India, the U.S. company pays barely a quarter or a fifth of what it has to pay for the same work in the U.S. [16] Legal Outsourcing 2.0 offers solutions that combine cutting-edge technologies with a highly skilled legal workforce. We provide services in the areas of process document review, data breach reporting document review, contract extraction and analysis, and solutions for legal innovation. We surveyed more than a thousand lawyers and clients and reviewed the caseload of tens of thousands of law firms for advice on how to adapt to COVID-19. The legal technology industry is booming. Last year alone, legal technology companies received more than $1 billion in venture capital investments for the first time in their history. Start-ups have growing legal needs without the resources to employ an in-house team.
To fill this gap in your development process, appoint an experienced LawFlex General Counsel to provide legal support and advice. The LPO seems to be reserved only for the largest in-house legal departments of the largest companies. But it can be a boon for legal departments of all sizes. Because it`s easier to scale an in-house legal team with external vendors, small and medium-sized businesses can rely on external service providers and technology solutions to help them solve their companies` legal problems as their business – and eventually their legal requirements – continue to grow. An outsourced (or external) general counsel is a lawyer who provides part-time legal services on call to the company, without the cost of employing a full-time general counsel. Similar to in-house counsel, the outsourced general counsel can perform a wide range of legal work for a company based on the client`s instructions. Many companies have legal issues that require special attention, but refrain from seeking legal advice due to the high and unpredictable legal fees of traditional law firms. Outsourced General Counsel offers an alternative to in-house counsel and traditional law firms, making it easy for business owners to avail legal services at a reasonable price and ensuring that today`s business decisions don`t cause unexpected legal difficulties in the future.
Law firms of all sizes and corporate legal departments can derive many benefits from outsourcing legal processes and tasks. Here are some of the benefits: Legal outsourcing has steadily increased its market share in the legal sector, but COVID-19 has rapidly increased adoption rates. All are locked up and forced to work remotely. “This law firm will never outsource its legal work!” – Have you heard this phrase in conversations with a co-shareholder, partner, or maybe even the CEO/Founder? Richer outsourced services include litigation support, offshore transaction support, high public interest issues, and regulatory affairs. For firms operating in multiple jurisdictions around the world, relying on the expertise of local lawyers may be the best way to ensure that an in-house legal team keeps abreast of local legal developments and does not conflict with local legal practices that could hinder effective resolution of legal issues. The concept of outsourcing legal processes is based on the division of labor principle that prevails in law firms, where various lengthy and time-consuming processes such as due diligence are delegated to paralegals, document reviewers or articling students. [12] This allows the company to respond to the various legal issues that arise on a daily basis while optimizing productivity.