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Center Title and Acronym: African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS)
Host University and Country: University of Rwanda-College of Education, RWANDA
Center Website Address:
Center Director and email address: Lakhan Lal Yadav, yadavll@yahoo.com; aceitlms@ur.ac.rw
Primary Thematic Discipline of Center: Mathematics and Science Education
Brief Description of Center:
The African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS) based at University of Rwanda – College of Education (UR-CE) is a regional center aiming at strengthening human capacity to deliver research-based quality teaching and learning of mathematics and science in Rwanda and across the region, in collaboration with regional and international institutions. The centre’s main activities focus on bringing quality and innovation into teaching and learning, research and training, and community engagement. In all these, the centre considers integration of ICT and inclusiveness. The ACEITLMS plans to design and run outstanding PhD and MEd programmes in mathematics and science education for the delivery of efficient and innovative pedagogical approaches. Concerning research and training, the centre will conduct and support research aiming at addressing societal needs. The centre will also run short-term training programs for university and secondary school teachers in the region. For community engagement, the Centre will organize science and mathematics outreach programs targeting all educational levels across the region.
Key Objectives and Expected Outcomes:
ACEITLMS will concentrate on strengthening the capacity to deliver teaching and research in University of Rwanda and other universities in the region as well as to improve teaching and learning in schools of the region.
The centre will encompass the three major activities namely: bringing innovation into teaching and learning, research and training, and community engagement.
The expected outcomes are:
Total no. of students (national and regional) completed from ACEITLMS in 5 Yrs: 60 Masters completed and Masters ongoing, 16 PhD programs completed and 24 PhD ongoing. 35 internationally recognized research publications within them 10 with regional coauthors.
The centre plans also to have trained120 university and school teachers trained as ToTs
5 MOUs to be signed on collaboration and partnerships for applied research and training.
Major Accomplishments to Date:
-MEd (mathematics/science) programme has been validated at School level.
-Sixteen (16) PhD students from the region, Nigeria and Ghana have been admitted from 65 candidates
-Seven (7) PhD Research Project Grant Proposals by PhD students in Maths/Sci. Educ.who are team members of ACEITLMS.
-1 paper published in a refereed journal, Two (2) papers have been orally presented in UR Int. Sci. Conference Week and six (6) papers have presented orally in DETA 2017 Conference.
-Two regional networking visits have been accomplished and two are planned. One ACEITLMS member has been sent for training visit .Regional Resource Mapping and Inception Workshop organized from 24-26 July 2017. ACEITLMS members were involved in organization of the above citted conferences.
-Three multi-organizational Project proposals already submitted (including): Project for MS4SSA Regional Node, already selected, STESA Project to Intra Africa Mobility Scheme submitted to European Commission
Primary Regional and Global Partners:
Rwanda Education Board (REB), African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS-Rwanda), University of Dar es Salam (Tanzania), Aga Khan University (Tanzania), State University of Zanzibar, Tanzania., Kenyatta University, Kenya; Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (Kenya), Makerere University (Uganda), Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS), Burundi; University of Bristol (UK), University of Copenhagen, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, Shanghai Normal University (SNU).
S.N. | Senior Faculty | Emai address | Area of Expertise |
1 | Prof.Lakhan Lal Yadav | Physics, Science Education | |
2 | Prof. Joachim Nzotungicimpaye | Mathematics, Mathematics Education | |
3 | Prof.Verdiane Grace Masanja |
| Mathematics |
4 | Dr Alphonse Uworwabayeho | Mathematics Education, ICT in education | |
5 | Dr. Evariste Karangwa | Management of Special Needs & Inclusive Education | |
6 | Dr. Pheneas Nkundabakura | Physics, Physics Education | |
7 | Dr. EvodeMukama | ICT in Education | |
8 | Dr GabrialNizeyimana | Curriculum studies | |
9 | Dr. Mathias Nduwingoma | Computer Science | |
10 | Dr.VédasteMutarutinya | Mathematics | |
11 | Dr. Jean Uwamahoro | Physics, Physics Education | |
12 | Dr.Mugabo Leon | Science Education | |
13 |
| ||
14 | Dr. Michael Tusiime | Curriculum Studies | |
15 | Dr. Jolly Rubagiza |
| Gender Studies, ICT in education |
16 | Dr. EvaristeMinani | Physics, Physics Education | |
16 | Dr. Florien Nsanganwimana | Biological Sciences | |
17 | Dr Edwige Kampire | Chemistry | |
18 | Prof.AmadaloMusasia | Science education | |
19 | Prof. Agnes M.W Gathumbi | Education, Communication and Technology | |
20 | Prof.AnjumHalai | Mathematics Education | |
21 | Dr Aneth Komba | Education | |
22 | Dr Anney |
| Education |
23 | Prof. Delia North |
| Statistics, Statistics Education |
24 | Prof.Kesh Govinder |
| Mathematical Science |
25 | Dr. Angeline M. Barret | angeline.barrett@ | Science education |
26 | Prof. Justin Dillon |
| Science education |
27 | Prof. Leon Tikly | Science education | |
28 | Prof. Anthony Vodacek | Image Science |