Africa Center of Excellence ACE2


Center Title and Acronym: African Centre of Excellence in Aquaculture and Fisheries (AquaFish)
Host University and Country: Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), MALAWI
Center Website Address:
Center Director and email address: Prof Emmanuel Kaunda,
Primary Thematic Discipline of Center: Aquaculture and Fisheries

Brief Description of Center:
The AquaFish seeks to train a pool of skilled and innovative graduate students, to contribute towards improved fish-based food and incomes from aquaculture and fisheries in Africa. The project is in line with, and will significantly drive the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the Science Technology, Innovation Strategy for Africa, and the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy, to increase human capacity development for aquaculture and fisheries sector growth. These development frameworks recognize the need to increase fish production, to improve fish per capita consumption and subsequently reduce malnutrition and stunting that are prevalent in the region. The centre employs innovative, entrepreneurial and multidisciplinary approaches to training, research and outreach on production, value addition and fisheries management, through strategic south-south and north-south partnerships with advanced knowledge institutions and other higher education stakeholders.

Key Objectives and Expected Outcomes:
Objective: To facilitate and promote scaling-up graduate training in Aquaculture and Fisheries, community action research, and strengthen linkages with the private sector in the region while increasing females and youth participation.

  • Enhanced capacity to produce graduates that are relevant to industrial needs in aquaculture and fisheries sector in the region,
  • Fit-for-purpose proactive graduates (338 MSc and 84 PhD) to support aquaculture, natural resource management and nutrition, and
  • Strengthened partnerships with industry, research and academia in the production of quality graduate students in the aquaculture and fisheries value chain, relevant for economic development.

Major Accomplishments to Date:

  • Program approved by Malawi Parliament in June 2016,
  • National Steering Committee established and held its first meeting on 23rd September, 2016.
  • Program became effective in December 2016 and received first tranche of money on 28th March, 2017
  • The program has enrolled 56 masters and PhD students since July 2016 in the ACE of which at least 20% must be regional (African) students.
  • One regional short course has been conducted.
  • The program has mobilized approximately 1 million USD additional funds for research.

Primary Regional and Global Partners:
MALDECO (Malawi), WorldFish (Zambia), RUFORUM (Uganda), Soy Bean Innovation Lab (USA) and University of Eldoret (Kenya).

Senior Faculty

Email Address

Research Area

Prof Emmanuel Kaunda

Fisheries ecology/ aquaculture

Ass. Prof DaudKassam

Biotechnology and biodiversity conservation

Ass. Prof Wilson Jere

Biostatistics and Fish Genetics

Prof Jeremiah Kang’ombe

Aquaculture nutrition

Ass. Prof Austin Mtethiwa

Limnology and freshwater ecology

Ass. Prof Daniel Sikawa

Aquaculture production systems

Ass. Prof Joshua Valeta ,

Aquaculture systems and engineering

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